● I grew up in the 80s in NYC when Donald Trump’s name was synonymous with success and the American Dream. I was born right near where he was born in Queens.
● President Trump definitely inspired me. I am an entrepreneur in real estate, construction, and high end sports cards.
● But like Trump, I also fight the man. He’s always been a fighter. When he was a builder he would fight city hall constantly against bureaucracy. I owned a property violation removal company in NYC and fought the same bureaucrats.
● I have always loved my country. That’s why it killed me to watch people like Obama and De Blasio do what they could to destroy it.
● June 14, 2015 - when Trump came down that escalator and announced he was running, he had me at “they’re not sending us their best.” I was one of the first to register to be a NYC volunteer for the campaign. I wore my Trump hat so much that people who knew me for years never saw what my hair looked like.
● Music has always been a passion of mine. I play guitar, bass, drums, keys, and vocals. I am also inspired by the great PoliRock bands who used their art to influence culture and politics. Bands like Rage Against the Machine.
● With everything going on right now, I couldn’t sit on the sidelines anymore. I had to enter the fight. With my wife’s encouragement, I jumped into the ring. I want to produce music that will inspire people to make a difference in taking our country back.